Sunday, October 29, 2006

Sultan killed in plane crash

Yet another plane crash in Nigeria. Someone with me when I heard the news said, "they say it so nonchalantly, as if it happens all the time." Well it does. Why is this still happening?


Anonymous said...

Some twelve months ago, we heard similar news of tragedy and the response by the Nigerian President was to ground airlines while safety checks were carried out on them. My question is was any of these checks done genuinely or just to make the media think something was being done?

It's a shame that the value of the lives of victim are merely weighed in terms of how highly placed they are in the society. I also think it is an embarrasement that the president does not think the tragic news is important enough for him to make statement himself, hence a press release was done by Remi Oyo.

May the country learn something tangible from all these disasters. My sorrow goes out to all families that might have lost close ones to this tragedy.

Anonymous said...

People should demand that Borisade goes. The guy should do the decent thing and resign tomorrow morning first thing. Of course the old reptile won't - he'll cling on like a limpet like all the other ineffectual old men who refuse to admit their utter failure.

The reality is, there are a few people making a packet out of the local airlines biz, and who is going to stop them maximizing profit- least of all corrupt and inert parastatals within the Ministry of Aviation?

Nothing will be learnt and our country will continue to be a joke.

Meanwhile, more people will die in road accidents in 9ja the coming week than died on that plane. But that won't make the news..

Anonymous said...

The problem is simple really: the aviation infrastructure, if it is permissible to even call it that, is atrocious in Africa. It doesn't matter who's at the head of Nigerian aviation if the aircraft and their engines are not maintained properly.

If radio navigation aids are inoperative, if air traffic control doesn't exist over much of the flight regime, if pilots are not adequately trained and re-trained, and if crash investigative authorities are non-existent or incompetent, it doesn't matter who's in charge. Crashes will continue to happen.

Knowing what I know aviation, I would not get on an internal Nigerian airline flight.